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    Monday, September 24, 2007

    Zip Car

    I have a great new service called Zipcar. This is fractional car ownership...need a car, say a BMW or Mini Cooper for a few hours to impress your clients or friends. Then you will love Zipcar. The cool part of the service is that you can find available cars or trucks on the Iphone/Google mashup icon simply type in Zip Car and the zip code or city where the service is offered.I also added a wifi/cellular GPS icon from Navizon onto the iphone, I can do it for you too. Fill out the form and get some free driving bucks on me. Join Zipcar and get $50 in free driving!

    1 comment:

    Unknown said...

    hey Reggie!

    found your site through my mom, she's a Continental flight attendant. i read from your posts that you have a Navizon GPS icon on your iPhone, and that you have a way of compressing the music files to make more space on the iPhone. how would i go about doing this?


    Iphone GPS are you ready yet



    Tom Tom on Iphone

    Pod to PC Free file tranfer program

    Pod to PC seems to be a great method to move music and movies from your Iphone to another itunes library and it is free, check out the video