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    Monday, October 29, 2007

    Entschuldigung, Sprechen Sie Englisch?...What!

    If you travel abroad and need assistance with communicating in French,German,Spanish,Portuguese or Italian I have a very helpful service I would like you to consider. it is Cool Gorilla. When you are overseas navigate to this page. ( it helps to use a unlocked Iphone or using free Wi -Fi) This sevice helps with many of the common phrases needed throughout the day. I want to bring attention to a free hotspot service finder for those traveling to Europe. There are over 836 FREE Hotspots and they are growing each day. Look for this symbol it stands for free Wi-Fi Access Worldwide

    Sunday, October 28, 2007

    Stuck in a bad cellular situation

    You have two options for using the iphone, ATT or T mobile in the USA.(I am working on a possible third option too) If you need to start a Tmobile account click here. Start an account using the features you need with the crappiest,er...cheapest,(affordable) phone. now you have a T mobile SIM card with a number and features you need (Myfaves is not an option) Your number can be ported over from another carrier. To AVOID TERMINATION FEES use my service and rid your self of an unwanted cellular carriers contract for less than 21.00 not 100,s of dollars to break a contract. Contact me if you need help with any of these services. 713 589 8947

    Tuesday, October 23, 2007

    A Chink in the Empiire

    Apple has begun selling DRM free music for over a 1.20 per track and thought it was a great idea to lock out those who would like to design 3rd party applications, there has been a salvo fired by Amazon.com, because they now offer DRM free tracks for any device and/or media player...and yes that includes seamless itunes intergration for under a dollar per track. This has( in my opinion forced ) Itunes to drop thier price from 1.29 to Amazons price. Competition is good, real good. also I hear word that Apple will have an SDK for 3rd party apps around the 1st quarter of 2008. thanks to all the hackers in forcing the Empire to see the light. I am feverishly working on using my Iphone to connect to my windows laptop to create my own adhoc internet hotspot, I will keep you posted. get free tech support by signing up for the magazine offer on this Blog and save on news stand prices. Take care.

    Wednesday, October 10, 2007

    Music Time

    I enjoy listening to all of my music on the Iphone going thru Itunes is pretty slick and quick too,Complete Your Favorite Albums Now. $7.99 or Less. Download on iTunes now. I do have an alternative and it is using Yahoos unlimited music service(it is not Iphone compatible) this can be fixed. Try the Yahoo service free using the Free trial banner to the left. Once songs are downloaded convert them with Tunebite and then they "will" upload into Itunes with the tags and Album art,Tunebite gives you a free trial as well. You will have tons of music that is DRM free. Now 8 Gigabytes will not seem like you have enough space but I have a solution at the bottom of this page that will compress and seemingly double the size of your iphones music capacity. Music can also be streamed to your phone using DotTunes stream your music and Video this is another wonderful option. Come back and visit again and con show how to watch and record TV from your Iphone at no charge with an optimized Desktop.

    Tuesday, October 9, 2007


    Recommendations posted in BOLD on this blog can be bought at Fantastic price savings using the Amazon search box on the left side of the page, I feel it represents a savings to you and an income stream for this Blog. Now to switch gears I want to tell you about a cool music streaming service called seeqpod a great way to stream playlist and artist to your Iphone(works best with Wi Fi)you can seek out artist or others playlists. you can also find Wi Fi(Free) spots by visiting this link. Enjoy these services and tell others about this site.

    Saturday, October 6, 2007

    Hello it has been a busy weekend implementing strategies that I learned at the Digital Life Convention last Sunday. I have a great service to offer you at no charge (I am big on free services) This is a great service called OOVOO I will use this service to personalize my tech sessions with you. It is simple you need webcam and a headset/mic and I can walk you through steps to lets say unlock the Iphone or upload ringtones and guide you through tutorials. Try it call iphonefanboy
    Get ooVoo

    Tuesday, October 2, 2007

    Unlimited Free Tech Support

    I want to tell you about the Digital Life show, I also want to reward you FOR visiting with a great find unlimited free tech support calls...Unlimited, provided you sign up for this magazine. Each issue of "SMART COMPUTING" contains product reviews and much more, all in a plain-English writing style that you won't find anywhere else. Each issue of Smart Computing contains product reviews and much more, all in a plain-English writing style that you won't find anywhere else.

    The Digital Life show was great especially if you are a gamer, i was looking for iphone application/services and I did not find much. Simulscribe provides visual voicemail for those who have tinkered with the iphone software and MobiTV said they are to begin talks later in the year to provide streaming TV to the Iphone. I had it through Palm and Tmobile, very enjoyable. I would have loved to heard more forums surrounding the Iphone. Gelaskins had some awesome Iphone covers at a great price. I was impressed with usefulness of the Motorola S9 wireless/music headset. overall the show was nice. I will be using thee oovoo service to offer you one on one tutorials to augment "THE PHONE" stay tuned for more exciting services.

    Monday, October 1, 2007

    Iphone GPS are you ready yet



    Tom Tom on Iphone

    Pod to PC Free file tranfer program

    Pod to PC seems to be a great method to move music and movies from your Iphone to another itunes library and it is free, check out the video