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    Tuesday, October 23, 2007

    A Chink in the Empiire

    Apple has begun selling DRM free music for over a 1.20 per track and thought it was a great idea to lock out those who would like to design 3rd party applications, there has been a salvo fired by Amazon.com, because they now offer DRM free tracks for any device and/or media player...and yes that includes seamless itunes intergration for under a dollar per track. This has( in my opinion forced ) Itunes to drop thier price from 1.29 to Amazons price. Competition is good, real good. also I hear word that Apple will have an SDK for 3rd party apps around the 1st quarter of 2008. thanks to all the hackers in forcing the Empire to see the light. I am feverishly working on using my Iphone to connect to my windows laptop to create my own adhoc internet hotspot, I will keep you posted. get free tech support by signing up for the magazine offer on this Blog and save on news stand prices. Take care.

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