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    Tuesday, October 2, 2007

    Unlimited Free Tech Support

    I want to tell you about the Digital Life show, I also want to reward you FOR visiting with a great find unlimited free tech support calls...Unlimited, provided you sign up for this magazine. Each issue of "SMART COMPUTING" contains product reviews and much more, all in a plain-English writing style that you won't find anywhere else. Each issue of Smart Computing contains product reviews and much more, all in a plain-English writing style that you won't find anywhere else.

    The Digital Life show was great especially if you are a gamer, i was looking for iphone application/services and I did not find much. Simulscribe provides visual voicemail for those who have tinkered with the iphone software and MobiTV said they are to begin talks later in the year to provide streaming TV to the Iphone. I had it through Palm and Tmobile, very enjoyable. I would have loved to heard more forums surrounding the Iphone. Gelaskins had some awesome Iphone covers at a great price. I was impressed with usefulness of the Motorola S9 wireless/music headset. overall the show was nice. I will be using thee oovoo service to offer you one on one tutorials to augment "THE PHONE" stay tuned for more exciting services.

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    Pod to PC Free file tranfer program

    Pod to PC seems to be a great method to move music and movies from your Iphone to another itunes library and it is free, check out the video