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    Monday, July 7, 2008

    Laptop and PC free for 30 days...Oh My!

    Well I did it I went laptop and desktop free for 30 days using only the Iphone it felt a little weird but it went OK. I was able to do much of this because I have modified my Iphone. i did not sync my phone at all and it did freeze on me once or twice a week but I simply had to do a restart and everything was OK. The itransmography program handled a small percentage of Flash websites that needed to be converted forIphone viewing.I used the Fring application on my phone to IM and used Mobile Scrobbler and I radio (shoutcast stations) for new music, also using www.jiwire.iphone.com I did not really miss a beat and I watched and downloaded videos from Youtube using MX Tube (a great program) I also made plenty of IM's and free calls from Puerto Rico and Cancun using the Fring Application. My conclusion is the Iphone is a near replacement for a mini laptop or PC especially when using WiFi also there is a rumor that says T mobile will be offering 3G speeds in October, I hope so because I use T mobile on my Iphone. lets modify yours too.

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    Pod to PC Free file tranfer program

    Pod to PC seems to be a great method to move music and movies from your Iphone to another itunes library and it is free, check out the video