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    Thursday, July 23, 2009

    Houston Radio stations

    Houston is my home but I have moved to the West Coast and really miss my wonderful stations in Houston, Namely Majic 102 F.M. and KTSU 90.9
    I was able to keep up with Houston events and listen to the Tom Joyner morning show in the mornings. I can't find him in the Bay area radio stations and I get The Texas Southern Univesity Radio station, K T S U that means I get the "listening back Fridays" nostalgia show, The Blues Cruise shows on Friday and the best Gospel music on Sundays.It makes me feel as though I were home. I am using the wonderful App from Itunes called Wunder Radio. It searches by city, call signs or by your location. it even has XM/Sirrius radio for those that subscribe which does include the Howard Stern show which is missing from the XM radio App in the app store. Try it as an alternative to Pandora or AOL radio and stay in touch with your favorite,Sports,College and local talk radio stations. I am the pimpologist...stay easy, but don't be greasy.

    I did what?

    Today I used my jailbroken 3Gs to connect to my laptop using PDA net (must be jailbroken first)and as I am surfing the net to find out the latest Iphone news and separating hype from fact my Iphone rang...ooops! that should have been the end of my session on my Ace Netbook. As I carried on a conversation with my lovely Girlfriend I forgot I was talking on the phone via my Aiph Jawbone and entered a web URL and to my surprise the page came up fully and quickly. I did what? This was broadband in its rawest form. I was so happy because in the past if I was Tweeting or Blogging I assumed that if a call would come through it would end my tether session. Now I can surf without fear of a disconnect when i get a call. are you ready to jailbreak yet? Call me at 713-589-8947 Thanks and be sure to tell others about this blog, thanks.

    Wednesday, July 15, 2009

    Here we go again!

    in an earlier blog I mentioned the cat and mouse games that Apple has to play because of their association with AT&T. the latest two attempts to thwart new ways to use their service is to release a new Itunes 8.2.1 this prevents Palm Pre users from connecting their Pre's to Itunes thus holding their music library hostage. Next they released a new beta version of OS 3.0 that prevents those of us who have figured out how to tether an Iphone to your laptop, netbook or Mac. Also I have written about a Cydia program that will allow you to use Skype, Fring or the Sling media app over edge or 3G vs. forcing you to use wifi...well now if you use "Tricker3g" or "Voipover3g"it prevents you from using the app store or the itunes store from your Iphone, however I have found this attempt to block the applications from Cydia work on the 3GS but my old 3G has no problems with the app and Itune stores and it is running the cydia program voipover3G. Apple should welcome Sprint customers to the Family and leave the hackers alone, someone will find a way around the latest attempt to stifle creativity.

    Wednesday, July 8, 2009

    Unlimited music on Iphone?

    I have some GREAT news for those of you who want unlimited subscription music on your Iphone. This is a PC only option at this time. I will provide a link(credit) at the bottom of this page so you can follow the tutorial. It revolves around using the 15.00 a month Zune Pass and Orb live. I have been using Zune for several months and I have enjoyed it so very much. The artist is paid the RIAA is happier and no virus issues. follow the directions and tell me if you like it. follow me on Utterli and twitter. twitter.com/iphonefanboy

    Tuesday, July 7, 2009

    Another good reason for me to modify your Iphone

    Adam Savage co-host of Mythbusters has recently travelled to Canada with his iPhone. He used his iPhone to do a little web surfing. When he got home he got a bill from AT&T. AT&T wants somewhere around $11,000 for a few hours of web surfing. They even turned his phone of till he pays.

    They’re claiming I uploaded/downloaded 9 million kilobytes (9 gigs) while in Canada. Frakking impossible.

    So be aware when you go on vacation! Do not download when you go to another country.

    Monday, July 6, 2009

    Taking things for granted

    A few days ago I was surfing on the Internet using my netbook from Acer (an excellant iPhone companion) for my 3G. The hotels wifi room verification was down and I wanted to do some work then I remembered this could be accomplished using PDA net on the Iphone, later that week I wanted to use my video recorder on my 3G and so I did and uploaded the video to the internet and also sent an MMS photo of my Daughters graduation to friends from my phone with an audio attatchment. It hit me...you are not supposed to be able to do these things on a 3G only on 3Gs when Apple released the new software it was hamstrung. Video MMS could have certinly been added along with tethering. Than goodness for the "community" there will be many new pioneering software concepts to be developed by the hacker community for sure. Sign up for my RSS feeds or podcasts to stay up to date.

    -- Post From My iPhone...how ya like me now?

    Thursday, July 2, 2009

    It's almost here

    Buzzirk Mobile service and products will launch on July 1, 2009! The service will begin as a SIM card that is able to be inserted into most GSM compatible phones. Members will get exclusive use of the service first in July. The general public will be allowed to purchase the service as of August 2009. Follow this blog or stay tuned via my Twitter iphonefanboy, I will keep you posted.

    -- Post From My iPhone...how ya like me now?

    Wednesday, July 1, 2009

    Cat and mouse games

    Ahhh...the game is afoot! The Dev team has once again struck with an unlock and jailbreak for the new 3gs phone and just as I suspected Apple had to release a 3.1 beta update for the developers with the general population soon to follow. The jailbreak could have been released for the 3Gs a few days ago, but that would give Apple time to fix the patch used to jailbreak and unlock the Iphone so we wait in the weeds ready to pounce on the final 3.1 release like the wild "nerds" we are. Be patient I will keep you informed or sign up for my podcast or RSS feeds

    -- Post From My iPhone...how ya like me now?

    Iphone GPS are you ready yet



    Tom Tom on Iphone

    Pod to PC Free file tranfer program

    Pod to PC seems to be a great method to move music and movies from your Iphone to another itunes library and it is free, check out the video