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    Wednesday, July 15, 2009

    Here we go again!

    in an earlier blog I mentioned the cat and mouse games that Apple has to play because of their association with AT&T. the latest two attempts to thwart new ways to use their service is to release a new Itunes 8.2.1 this prevents Palm Pre users from connecting their Pre's to Itunes thus holding their music library hostage. Next they released a new beta version of OS 3.0 that prevents those of us who have figured out how to tether an Iphone to your laptop, netbook or Mac. Also I have written about a Cydia program that will allow you to use Skype, Fring or the Sling media app over edge or 3G vs. forcing you to use wifi...well now if you use "Tricker3g" or "Voipover3g"it prevents you from using the app store or the itunes store from your Iphone, however I have found this attempt to block the applications from Cydia work on the 3GS but my old 3G has no problems with the app and Itune stores and it is running the cydia program voipover3G. Apple should welcome Sprint customers to the Family and leave the hackers alone, someone will find a way around the latest attempt to stifle creativity.

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    Pod to PC Free file tranfer program

    Pod to PC seems to be a great method to move music and movies from your Iphone to another itunes library and it is free, check out the video