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    Monday, July 6, 2009

    Taking things for granted

    A few days ago I was surfing on the Internet using my netbook from Acer (an excellant iPhone companion) for my 3G. The hotels wifi room verification was down and I wanted to do some work then I remembered this could be accomplished using PDA net on the Iphone, later that week I wanted to use my video recorder on my 3G and so I did and uploaded the video to the internet and also sent an MMS photo of my Daughters graduation to friends from my phone with an audio attatchment. It hit me...you are not supposed to be able to do these things on a 3G only on 3Gs when Apple released the new software it was hamstrung. Video MMS could have certinly been added along with tethering. Than goodness for the "community" there will be many new pioneering software concepts to be developed by the hacker community for sure. Sign up for my RSS feeds or podcasts to stay up to date.

    -- Post From My iPhone...how ya like me now?

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    Pod to PC Free file tranfer program

    Pod to PC seems to be a great method to move music and movies from your Iphone to another itunes library and it is free, check out the video