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    Sunday, December 13, 2009

    Revisiting Google Voice

    I have been tweaking my Google Voice service and I love it so much. If you have a calling circle plan such as AT&T "A list" simply add your google voice number to it. Now all your calls placed from Google voice are free, The hows and whys will boggle your mind so I suggest you watch the youtube explanation of Google Voice. an invite button is at the bottom of this post

    I have been using the jailbroken GV mobile app to place my calls which is in Cydia, it has a few bugs in it. I always have to enter my user name and password, what a drag. But today on my Iphone I typed in google.com/voice and pressed the + sign on the bottom of my Iphone safari browser and then elected the add to Home screen button. Now I can place calls and send free text messeges from the Iphone bypassing GV Mobile app. my password and user name is stored, my voicemails are transcribed so I can read them or play them from the Iphone safari browser because I am using the jailbroken app safari download plugin. If making unlimited calls and having a distinct number for business or naughtiness (the players and Playettes know who they are) then this service is a must have. You have to wait anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks for Google to send an invite to you.Enjoy and as always I am here to guide you through the jailbreking process and offer 90 days of tech support. click on the google voice Call me button at the top of my Blog for help.

    Monday, November 23, 2009

    Multi Tasking

    if this is not incentive enough to have your Iphone Jailbroken or "Purified", I do not know what it will take. I want to thank 1st shift for his video.

    The service is called multiflow and it is an awesome program when it comes to multitasking with your most frequently used applications. it simple and eloquent at the same time. it is a free demo with a final price of 4.99 The video will speak volumes. let me know when you are ready to "purify" your Iphone.

    Thursday, November 5, 2009

    Orb for Mac is here

    Okay Orb is a fantastic feature that I loved on my PC and missed when I went to the 24 inch I mac. That service is ORB and you can try it free or buy the full version in the Itunes store for 9.99 (try it free) it is a great tool to access all your music, videos and photos PLUS with a "PC" tuner you can watch live TV (I have to try TV on the Mac soon). It almost eliminates the need for devices like sling media player as well as monthly fee software like sugar sync and simplify media. build your library add an external drive and be media happy. Your Mac/PC must have an always on connection and you need to download the software for your Mac or PC as well as the Itunes app store software.

    Wednesday, October 28, 2009

    Tweeting from the Iphone and earning money too

    Tweetglide is very cool if you are gonna tweet anyway. Earn money and ad exposure for your cause or business. there is no cost for the basic service click here. It has a very cool and useful interface that automatically gives you the ability to tweet more than 140 characters and inserts free URL's for you too. They have an app coming soon to the app store too...what ya waiting for.

    Monday, September 28, 2009

    Who's on your A list?

    AT&T A list is

    unlimited inbound/outbound calling to any domestic moblle or landline at no extra charge if you are on the 900 minute plan and you keep the night, weekend and rollover minutes too. Also works on the Family plan. Assign 5 numbers on the 900 minute plan and 10 numbers on the Family plan. AT&T is trying hard to keep your iPhone business when their exclusive contract ends with Apple, will you stay with them?

    -- Post From My iPhone, how ya like me now?

    Wednesday, September 23, 2009

    New Tech makes me happy

    I love new tech with all it's Beta imperfections. Two new sites that are striving to be Iphone friendly are Mspot on demand movie streaming and robo.to which aims to socialise caller ID with video moods and map and Twitter facebook intergration, they say they are coming to AT&T soon but they are live right now. Mspot will be available for all US customers and most importantly it is Iphone friendly.

    -- Post From My iPhone, how ya like me now?

    Tuesday, September 15, 2009

    3.1 jailbreak

    The Dev Team is astonishing, they have pwnage tool 3.1 for all the iPhone/I touch models EXCEPT for the 3GS and I'm sure that is coming soon. Use the Bing search engine on this site to find the Dev Team Blog and bookmark it. Tell others about this site or forward the link, thanks, Reggie the Iphone Pimpologist.

    -- Post From My iPhone, how ya like me now?

    Friday, September 11, 2009

    Rhapsody is here now

    A few hours ago Rhapsody was released to the app store as a free download with a 7 day free trial. It streams very well...listening to Jay-Z's Blueprint 3. Try it and tell me what you think, stay Jiggy.

    Thursday, September 10, 2009

    Pinger text free app

    I am impressed it works like a charm, I spent 6.00 on the app but it will save me from ever going over the limit or spending an extra 15.00 a month for unlimited texting. Multiply your savings times 12 months text free also has a lite version that's free, pass on that one and get the full ride. The replys show up on the phone and works in landscape and has 12 emoticons you can use with the text too it also allows you to use a few custom sounds for alerts and you can also get distictive alerts for those you receieve texts from, I like it a lot. 2 thumbs up on this app.

    -- Post From My iPhone, how ya like me now?

    There are Apple updates

    Hello today is September 10th and I just wanted to cover a few
    Iphone and Itunes updates. The Iphones firmware has been updated and this means DO NOT UPDATE until the Dev Team has given a green light to do so, updating will break the unlock, it also changes the modem firmware. If you are not jailbroken do your thing.
    iTunes has also been updated and it is fine to do so unless you are using the Palm Pre this will wreck your ability to sync with Itunes. Everybody else has the green light to upgrade to the awesome new version of Itunes with no jailbreak side effects. Follow me on Twitter to get up to the minute updates www.twitter.com/iphonefanboy

    -- Post From My iPhone, how ya like me now?

    Thursday, August 27, 2009

    Iphone on Verizon...now?

    This a repost from Tys Blog...very interesting

    IPhone, as we know it, has been on one carrier only, and thats AT&T. Now as we all know you could get iPhone on the T-Mobile network, but that requires jailbreaking. People have been wanting iPhone on the Verizon network since its release, but Verizon dosen’t use SIM cards. Therefore it won’t work. Now, with something new Verizon released you can get the IPhone too work on Verizon. HOWEVER, there is a catch you gotta carry the device with you. Supports Windows 2000, XP and Vista and Mac OS X 10.4.0 or higher and Linux the device 1s 149.99 with 50.00 online discount, normally 199.00 Two pricing plans for the device 59.99 for a 5GB cap and .05 MB for overages or 250 MB for 39.99 and .10 MB for overages. Your Phone should be coming off of contract or pay the early termination fee or buy an Iphone from Ebay. you can buy a phone number from Skype to use and as of this writing there is no portability option for existing services, what a bummer. Skype is affordable I pay 2.95 a month for 10,000 minutes of calling.

    Using iPhone on the Verizon network would involve the above device. This is the Verizon MiFi. Its a Wifi router that takes the network signal off Verizon, and transmits them into wifi signals. I like to call it a pocket router, because its about the same size as 8 stacked credit cards. Doing this proses would not be illegal, but you wouldn’t be using the traditional Phone, and SMS apps on the iPhone. You would be using such apps as Skype, Google Voice (coming soon), and text clients like Text free. Using the Mifi you would connect your iPhone with wifi and carry the pocket router around, simple. However, I don’t like this method, its something you can try if you REALLY want to use a iPhone, but you’re stuck in a Verizon contract.

    Let me know if this works for you and/or visit us soon or forward this page to others.

    Wednesday, August 26, 2009

    If you want an Iphone

    AT&T are offering refurbished Iphone 3G for 49.00 dollars with a 90 day warranty after that the prices are 99.00 for a 3G and 199 or 299 for a 16 or 32 gigabyte 3GS my previous post shows how to get cashback on the 3GS while the offer last. Still have to deal with a 2 year contract, I hope this helps.

    -- Post From My iPhone, how ya like me now?

    iphone Cashback

    Bing is a Microsoft/Yahoo venture...NOW! and they have an interesting Cash Back program that Iphone "soon to be" owners can appreciate. They will rebate 4 to 10% if you use the Walmart Cash Back store and adhere to the TOS. Search for your IPhone by entering "Bing Cashback" in the Bing search box on this page. You will need to sign up for the free plan and they will notify you by Email with regards to your Cash Back. They have other great stores to choose from also but Walmart caries the Iphone 3Gs. I hope this helps,let me know how it works for you. thanks for stopping by.

    Saturday, August 1, 2009

    Check Mate

    After years of using a Jailbroken and unlocked Iphone I went legit, sorta with a 32GB Iphone 3Gs and then I jailbroke it to enjoy all the wonderful possibilities such as using Skype and not having to be in a wifi area...but the service did not work the same with 3gvoip and tricker3G after my modifications which normally fake out software such as Skype, Fring, Nimbuzz and sling Media app into thinking they were working on a wifi network but instead were just using Edge or 3G signals. Tricker3G and Voip3g were rendered useless on 3Gs but did still work on any other Iphone using 3.o software. I had to say goodbye to my 10,000 minutes of call time to ANY phone in the U.S. or did I? A new software for Jailbroken iphones was introduced for a 1 time nominal charge that allowed me to use the aforementioned Apple software programs. The software is called Unrestrictor 3G and works great for me. no more burning minutes on customer service holds or all those short calls that you would normally have to make during your free hours at night or weekends, the call quality is often very good and sometimes just tolerable. Checkmate, hackers win again! There are options via Skype for overseas calls too.

    Business model is changing

    I am changing the business model with regards to jailbreaking and unlocking Iphones. I am using a Google checkout button on the left side of my blog. I am sending you all the software you need vis a U S B device and will walk you through the sometimes difficult and surprising results you may get when you unlock your device. You will recieve 1 hour of support to customize your Iphone based on your industry or personal needs. I will also provide follow ups to questions you may have about the software or how to remove it all if you need to return the Iphone to Apple for support and reinstall the software at no cost. I am Mac as well as PC friendly. I hope this is a big help to those that are not savvy with regards to Iphone OS or troubleshooting. The software is free, you are paying for me to install the software for you and a place to ask questions. you have 90 days of free support. Take care and tell others about us...Peace!

    Thursday, July 23, 2009

    Houston Radio stations

    Houston is my home but I have moved to the West Coast and really miss my wonderful stations in Houston, Namely Majic 102 F.M. and KTSU 90.9
    I was able to keep up with Houston events and listen to the Tom Joyner morning show in the mornings. I can't find him in the Bay area radio stations and I get The Texas Southern Univesity Radio station, K T S U that means I get the "listening back Fridays" nostalgia show, The Blues Cruise shows on Friday and the best Gospel music on Sundays.It makes me feel as though I were home. I am using the wonderful App from Itunes called Wunder Radio. It searches by city, call signs or by your location. it even has XM/Sirrius radio for those that subscribe which does include the Howard Stern show which is missing from the XM radio App in the app store. Try it as an alternative to Pandora or AOL radio and stay in touch with your favorite,Sports,College and local talk radio stations. I am the pimpologist...stay easy, but don't be greasy.

    I did what?

    Today I used my jailbroken 3Gs to connect to my laptop using PDA net (must be jailbroken first)and as I am surfing the net to find out the latest Iphone news and separating hype from fact my Iphone rang...ooops! that should have been the end of my session on my Ace Netbook. As I carried on a conversation with my lovely Girlfriend I forgot I was talking on the phone via my Aiph Jawbone and entered a web URL and to my surprise the page came up fully and quickly. I did what? This was broadband in its rawest form. I was so happy because in the past if I was Tweeting or Blogging I assumed that if a call would come through it would end my tether session. Now I can surf without fear of a disconnect when i get a call. are you ready to jailbreak yet? Call me at 713-589-8947 Thanks and be sure to tell others about this blog, thanks.

    Wednesday, July 15, 2009

    Here we go again!

    in an earlier blog I mentioned the cat and mouse games that Apple has to play because of their association with AT&T. the latest two attempts to thwart new ways to use their service is to release a new Itunes 8.2.1 this prevents Palm Pre users from connecting their Pre's to Itunes thus holding their music library hostage. Next they released a new beta version of OS 3.0 that prevents those of us who have figured out how to tether an Iphone to your laptop, netbook or Mac. Also I have written about a Cydia program that will allow you to use Skype, Fring or the Sling media app over edge or 3G vs. forcing you to use wifi...well now if you use "Tricker3g" or "Voipover3g"it prevents you from using the app store or the itunes store from your Iphone, however I have found this attempt to block the applications from Cydia work on the 3GS but my old 3G has no problems with the app and Itune stores and it is running the cydia program voipover3G. Apple should welcome Sprint customers to the Family and leave the hackers alone, someone will find a way around the latest attempt to stifle creativity.

    Wednesday, July 8, 2009

    Unlimited music on Iphone?

    I have some GREAT news for those of you who want unlimited subscription music on your Iphone. This is a PC only option at this time. I will provide a link(credit) at the bottom of this page so you can follow the tutorial. It revolves around using the 15.00 a month Zune Pass and Orb live. I have been using Zune for several months and I have enjoyed it so very much. The artist is paid the RIAA is happier and no virus issues. follow the directions and tell me if you like it. follow me on Utterli and twitter. twitter.com/iphonefanboy

    Tuesday, July 7, 2009

    Another good reason for me to modify your Iphone

    Adam Savage co-host of Mythbusters has recently travelled to Canada with his iPhone. He used his iPhone to do a little web surfing. When he got home he got a bill from AT&T. AT&T wants somewhere around $11,000 for a few hours of web surfing. They even turned his phone of till he pays.

    They’re claiming I uploaded/downloaded 9 million kilobytes (9 gigs) while in Canada. Frakking impossible.

    So be aware when you go on vacation! Do not download when you go to another country.

    Monday, July 6, 2009

    Taking things for granted

    A few days ago I was surfing on the Internet using my netbook from Acer (an excellant iPhone companion) for my 3G. The hotels wifi room verification was down and I wanted to do some work then I remembered this could be accomplished using PDA net on the Iphone, later that week I wanted to use my video recorder on my 3G and so I did and uploaded the video to the internet and also sent an MMS photo of my Daughters graduation to friends from my phone with an audio attatchment. It hit me...you are not supposed to be able to do these things on a 3G only on 3Gs when Apple released the new software it was hamstrung. Video MMS could have certinly been added along with tethering. Than goodness for the "community" there will be many new pioneering software concepts to be developed by the hacker community for sure. Sign up for my RSS feeds or podcasts to stay up to date.

    -- Post From My iPhone...how ya like me now?

    Thursday, July 2, 2009

    It's almost here

    Buzzirk Mobile service and products will launch on July 1, 2009! The service will begin as a SIM card that is able to be inserted into most GSM compatible phones. Members will get exclusive use of the service first in July. The general public will be allowed to purchase the service as of August 2009. Follow this blog or stay tuned via my Twitter iphonefanboy, I will keep you posted.

    -- Post From My iPhone...how ya like me now?

    Wednesday, July 1, 2009

    Cat and mouse games

    Ahhh...the game is afoot! The Dev team has once again struck with an unlock and jailbreak for the new 3gs phone and just as I suspected Apple had to release a 3.1 beta update for the developers with the general population soon to follow. The jailbreak could have been released for the 3Gs a few days ago, but that would give Apple time to fix the patch used to jailbreak and unlock the Iphone so we wait in the weeds ready to pounce on the final 3.1 release like the wild "nerds" we are. Be patient I will keep you informed or sign up for my podcast or RSS feeds

    -- Post From My iPhone...how ya like me now?

    Tuesday, June 30, 2009

    Minding your own business

    I have just spent the morning helping people fix their Iphones and reading journals and forums on 3.0 upgrade problems.
    My theory is that apple is trying to maintain proprietary control over all the products, such as Ipods,Iphones and Itunes. They do not want the Palm Pre or Blackberry interact with Itunes , it can or they want to stop us from hacking and modifying the Iphone. They need to focus on putting out good software rather than rushing shoddy software to the market to thwart us. The jailbreak for 3Gs is ready to go but it will not be released until 3.0.1 is released to fix the crashes, battery drains and sluggishness of the 3GS. Mind your own business and allow us to put software on the Iphone the same way you run Microsoft software on Macs using bootcamp!

    Monday, June 22, 2009

    Ultrasn0w is here!!

    Ultrasnow jailbreak for the 3Gs is now out it will jailbreak the new 3.0 OS as well as previous generation of iphones too. we are still waiting for the 3G's unlock to follow soon if you are using the 1st and 2nd Gen Iphones it will also unlock those phones ONLY. Do not jailbreak the 3Gs and expect an unlock, it is coming soon but not here yet...stay tuned.

    July 1st 69.99 3G+ service details

    Service Launching July 2009!
    Changing the Way the World Communicates
    Offering The World's First Enhanced 3G+ PLUS Wireless and Mobile Network!

    BUZZirk Mobile Powered by ZER01 will revolutionize
    the mobile phone industry, and the way we communicate!
    Buzzirk Mobile offer true unlimited calling, data, texting, and internet for service a flat rate of $79.95 for our domestic plan or global international calling to 40 countries for just $10 more a month.

    Buzzirk Mobile will "Super Charge" your wireless phone with Zer01's technology making it a high speed voice and data device.

    This Unlimited Domestic Plan includes Unlimited minutes (24/7) to be used anytime from anywhere in the continental US.
    No Added Fees, No Contracts

    Pre-pay for service month by month
    No Credit Checks. No Contracts.
    Truly Unlimited Mobile Service.
    Buy a phone or bring your own GSM WM6 phone.

    BUZZirk Mobile using Zer01 technology is a new breed of carrier that can offer a variety of Windows Mobile devices starting on July 2009 that can tap into its service. It will also enable users to bring their unlocked BlackBerrys, Android phones, and other handsets. It will take as little as 5 minutes for the company to update your phone's SIM card to make it compatible with its network.

    ZER01 was chosen one of CTIA's top five products of the year in its category and went on to win LAPTOP's Best Product of the year overall.

    Best Overall Product: ZER01 Mobile
    Best of CTIA Wireless 2009
    Zer01 technology uses a highly efficient VoIP technology to let users make phone calls over existing cellular networks.

    BUZZirk Mobile powered by Zer01 gives YOU the opportunity to open your own cellphone business and make previously unheard of commissions.

    We are Looking for Distributors
    FORTUNES will be made!

    We are looking for anyone that is motivated to market our powerfully mobile wireless product. There is no one else in the market that can offer what we have so if you are looking to make an income, we believe there is no better opportunity out there.

    Whether you own or operate a cell phone store or just a motivated individual that is willing to market, anyone is welcome to team up with us!
    Distributors Receive

    Earn $10/month for each subscriber who pays their monthly bill, for life. Plus earn money on activation as well as hardware sales.

    Advanced commissions tracking software that provides stats as your business grows.

    Best commissions to distributors in the cellphone marketplace.

    Affiliate Packages available to earn additional commissions on referred distributors.

    BUZZirk Mobile is going to be HUGE.

    Distributorships start at
    just $14.95/month!

    Web Marketing Concepts

    Please indicate whether you are interested in the service or
    becoming a distributor to earn lucrative residual commissions.

    Store, Marketing Group or Individual:

    Location Selling Phones:
    NOTE: The phones currently only work with calls originating in the US,
    but we are expanding our service into global markets.
    If you are interested in opening a country with our product, please type the country above and in the comments at the bottom of the form describe in more detail about your ideas to open that market.

    A 10 day refocus

    I want to speak to you about a refocus for my Blog until July 1st and the reason is a new cellular service to the U S is rolling out and has some great advantages. It can save you money and it can also create a great income too, as always I will still keep you informed with regards to to Iphone advances.
    It is my intention to capture all of the iphone members coming off of their 2 year contracts and are looking to improve the Iphone functions and reduce cost. This will be happening every week for the next year, a GREAT market. you will need your phone unlocked to take advantage of the service. I am able to do this at no cost to you for a limited time if you enroll in the new Mobile broadband service. Most Iphone owners have a hybrid of landline plus cellular and sometimes wireless broad band card, each service averaging 65.00 each. My service has 2 option s a 70 or 80 dollar a month plan. They are both 3g+ speeds, unlimited data, text, pictue messeging with NO data caps, the 80.00 option offers free long distance to 42 countries. There will be no contracts or credit checks with my service, this is month to month prepaid.
    Vonage did it and so did MagicJack and now we are doing it FOR mobile phones. we have our own IP backbone which is why we can reinvent the mobile broadband business, both plans can also replace your broadband cards with a faster service. you can also port your landline to your phone for even greater savings. The service will launch on JULY 1ST
    . It is my intention to hit the ground running and I am looking for team members that i can teach on how to unlock the Iphone and offer this great cellular plan that will produce residual income too. Verizon passed on the Iphone before it was offered to ATT...Doh!! Do not pass on this chance of a lifetime to save and make money, enroll now before July1st to get in on the ground floor.

    Saturday, June 20, 2009

    Uh oh something cool is coming

    A little history as I have read, Verizon was offered the Iphone first did not see the vision and passed on a "game changer" you know they are kicking themselves. Well I want to give you a heads up to a new cellular service to the U S but has been in Europe for a while. This "game changer" will offer unlimited, talk, long distance text, data and international calling in 39 plus countries with no roaming charges for less than 80 dollars a month. There are no contracts or credit checks either. This is perfect timing in my book with all of the 2 year Iphone contracts expiring, means that you can take advantage of this service without incurring ETF's. Click on the enroll button to earn residual income I will have more news on this great service...oh! you can make residual money with the service too. Ovum reports "that the mobile boadband biz is in for a boom in the next 5 years"

    Tuesday, June 9, 2009

    Find My Iphone amd Mobile Me

    99.00 for an Email address, are you smoking something? Thats what I initially thought when Tim was telling me about Mobil Me. Now it makes sense to me. I jailbreak my Iphone for each update and Mobile Me puts all my bookmarks and contacts back on the Iphone painlessly. My Girlfriend works on docs and files and can access them (10 Gigs) from anywhere because they are stored in the cloud (servers) similar services like Syncplicity can cost 99.00 alone a year. Today I noticed the new button and service named Find My Iphone and Remote Wipe a 3.0 OS feature. Lose your Iphone and it will track it down, by showing a Google Map location and it will emit an Audible homing sound even if the volume is in silent mode. You can also wipe the phone clean to safekeep sensitive data/media or info or write a message that will appear on your iPhone's screen. How about a place to upload your photos and videos directly from the Iphone 3GS. Hosting for website is almost 100.00 annually but is included with Mobile Me when you design your site using Iweb 08 or later versions. Lets review. Cloud storage for backup, personal information syncing, Iphone retrieval and web hosting plus "PUSH" E mail. Tell me what you think?

    Monday, June 8, 2009

    Hacking the Iphone

    The new software can be unshackled, or in other words can be Jailbroken for great Avaunt Gard software but it has not be unlocked for use with other SIM cards. however The BigBoss has a solution for using Non AT&T Sim cards. The "community is hard at work looking for a software unlock solution, and normally find one. I have unlocked my 3.0 Iphone using T mobile and I am on the latest firmware 2.2.1 Most of the features revealed today are old hat for me as I have doing most of the OS 3.0 stuff for 2 years. I am so sure withe the new software we will be ahead of Apple again soon with some GREAT new announcements for the the 3GS...stay tuned for a great ride and even cooler hacks.

    The Iphone 3GS, just another super Smart phone?

    I saw the videos and had a simulcast using Macrumors from the WWDC today and was inspired by the features of the new Iphone and the pricing. The Newest Iphones will be out on July 19th @ 199 and 299 for either a 16GB or a 32 Gigabyte. I also saw the current Iphone at a new price 99.00 the new OS 3.0 will change everything especially for corporate users and the Medical field. Cut copy and ,Voice control,tethering,and longer battery life is an awesome features and the phone will be so much faster. they hit a homerun. In the end you have many new great phones in the "Summer of Smart Phone Love" but the difference will be the technical support at Apple and their marketing, but the app store is the clincher Googles Android has about 5,000 choices versus 50,000 apps and growing at Apple.The apps make not just another super Smart Phone.

    Thursday, June 4, 2009

    Itunes 8.2 and Yellowsn0w

    DO NOT UPDATE!!! Resist the urge, if you intend on unlocking the Iphone (8.2) Itunes may break the unlock just be patient,If you have already updated you can uninstall the software and reinstall an earlier version from this site. Everything Apple tries to do to prevent other from using their software and hardware, the hacker community overcomes it for over 2 years. The new Palm Pre can use Itunes and they want to stop that from happening too. The 3.0 software has been unlocked we are just waiting for the final version to be released soon. I am using 2.2.1 and T mobile on a jailbroken phone. I also needed to downgrade the baseband from 5.09 to 5.08 and change the firmware from 2.29 to 2.28 so that yellowsn)w could be used to offer the option of using different local and international SIM cards. If it sounds like greek or "geek" I can make sense out of it all and give you options you may have never thought possible with your Iphone as usual you may contact me at 713-589-8947 Tell other about us and visit often.

    Pod To PC update and Simplify Media

    I do a lot of work to load my Itunes with music and do it on a budget. First pod to PC now has MAC to Pc which I just used and after the new update it is flawless and easy to use (watch the video) I load my iphone with legal music I download from Zune, virus & Trojan/Malware free and the artist still get paid because I pay the 14.99 every month. After a little software hocus pocus the music is ready for Pod To Mac and is automatically uploaded to Itunes and ready for use on my Iphones. A ton of music and way to much for my Iphone to carry so I use Simplify Media from the app store which streams the music to my iphone in fine fashion. If you have questions call me at 713-589-8947 and visit my site from time to time and tell other about us or follow us on twitter

    Friday, April 24, 2009

    Another cool reason to Modify the Iphone

    I noticed in an article that Youtube is now offering full length movies and shows on their site. I opened the iphone Safari browser and pulled up Youtube and all I could see was videos that were formatted for iphone, what a bummer but then I remebered I had a Cydia program named UA Faker which renders the actual Youtube site with links to all the catagories including movies. I then opened the link and started watching Starman featuring Jeff Bridges. It streamed just fine over wifi I also have anothe Cydia program named I Mobile Cinema. which allows you to view flash content especially on Youtube. Cydia is a jailbreak program too. I will try and visit othe sites such as AOL's in2tv shows as well. I am available to Jailbreak your software, make an appointmet by calling 713 589 8947, Have a great day.

    Saturday, March 21, 2009

    Save your money now!

    Glad you stopped by, I did some math and comparisons between T Mobile and AT&T on the Iphone and if you are in a good T mobile coverage area you can save at least 417.00 dollar a year or more if you ask for your companies corporate discount if it applies. You would receive 600 minutes with unlimited nights and weekends beginning at 9PM and unlimited calling to 5 lines using the my faves service, mobile or land and doesn't matter what network or landline service you call plus unlimited data that I can tether to you your PC or laptop and if you combine this with the my earlier posting of 10,000 minutes a month for 2.95 you have a great plan and greater savings. there is also an available free texting service in the app store too. press the call me button at the top of the blog to arrange a time for us to meet. Now a little about me I travel to about 25 states, cities and countries a month and use T mobile on my 3G iphone and have great coverage with virtually no dropped calls, maybe one every 2 or 3 months. I am writing this blog post via my netbook that has the internet supplied from Iphone, all warranty's will still apply if needed, I am usually a week to 2 months behind on software updates and the Beta 3.0 Iphone is ready to be jailbroken as we speak. Twitter me and tell me what you need on your Iphone

    2.95 for 10,000 minutes of calling

    Make unlimited calls (up to 10,00000) a month using this Skype service get an Unlimited World calling subscription from Skype from $9.95/month
    and when intergrated into the iphone app Nimbuzz and Fring on your Iphone. there are two and distinct ways to use the Skype subscription services. If you use Nimbuzz count on fantastic quality and ease of use when calling landlines and mobiles overseas when you are in a wi-fi enabled area. Fring does the same thing but with a twist, you do not need to be in a wi-fi area once I modify software, another great reason for me to emancipate your iphone. the call quality and reliability are better with Nimbuzz versus Fring. I use both and they can be found in the App store. There is another service named truphone not my choice you can not go wifi free and calls have a per minute charge which is reasonable but not close to the 10,000 minute a month feature.

    Tuesday, March 3, 2009

    Iphone using GPS

    there is a great new GPS service available for the Iphone called X Gps and it uses the GPS on your iphone brilliantly.

    The iphone app store also has a GPS program named G Map for iphones it is in my opinion a descent program if you are using an 16 gig iphone vs. a 8 Gigabyte iphone because it uses 5 Gigabytes for the US map program and costs aboot 40.00 dollars The Gmaps version is free and you download maps as needed and a bigger advantage is the turn by turn voice navigation in the X Gps which Apple does not allow in the app store version. I can enable your iphone to run this great program. it also has terrain programs for hikers and bikers too. for more information contact me at 713 589 8947 or email me at Take care and have a great day.

    Iphone GPS are you ready yet



    Tom Tom on Iphone

    Pod to PC Free file tranfer program

    Pod to PC seems to be a great method to move music and movies from your Iphone to another itunes library and it is free, check out the video